How to Make Hair Grow with Food: 13 Secrets Revealed
Want to learn how to make hair grow with foods? Living a healthy lifestyle can reflect on your skin and hair. This means anything you eat can also affect the condition of your hair. Yes, it is time to minimize (or better yet, avoid) junk foods, like pizza, burgers, and fried dishes. For example, fatty and oily food can make our sebaceous glands more active, which can result to dandruff. Eating healthy can also give you healthy hair and scalp, and possibly bring back the luster of your hair.
So, here are the essential foods for healthy hair:
- Salmon. Vitamin D and protein can result to stronger hair, and this fish has these nutrients. It also has omega-3 fatty acids, which can help your hair grow faster and prevent hair loss. To take advantage of these benefits, you can eat Salmon at least twice a week. You can enjoy it raw, grilled, baked or smoked. If you are not a fan of salmon though, other fatty fishes that can also prevent hair loss are sardines, herring, mackerel, and trout. Making salmon a part of your diet is a great first step in learning how to make hair grow.
- Sweet potatoes. For healthy scalp and hair growth, beta carotene can greatly help. Beta carotene is converted to vitamin A, which is important for cell growth. Sweet potatoes have high concentration of this compound. Deficiency of this can result to dry skin or dandruff and dull hair. But note that too much of vitamin A can also lead to hair loss. Other foods rich in beta carotene are carrots, dark green lettuces, pumpkin, asparagus, and kale.
- Beans. They can be a source of zinc, minerals, B vitamins, fiber, protein, and vitamin C, which are great for hair growth. They also have iron to prevent hair loss. If you are not a fan of beans, you always mix them in other dishes, like salads and side dishes.
- Avocado. The benefits that this fruit can give is widely known and it was the early Egyptians who discovered them. It contains vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, fiber, protein, folate, and copper. The fruit itself and its oil are very useful for both the skin and hair. It can promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss. It can also be used as a hair mask to moisturize the hair. Don’t be afraid to use avocado in your quest of learning how to make hair grow.
- Walnuts. Omega-3 fatty acids, which promotes hair growth, can also be found in this type of nut. And to keep the natural color of your hair and to make it shiny, walnuts have copper. And since the hair is always exposed to damage, like sun exposure, pollution, blow dryer, curling iron and other heat styling tools, there is a need to protect the hair from cell damage. Biotin and vitamin E found in walnuts can take care of this. If you are not fond of eating nuts, try walnut oil, which you can mix in your food.
- Oyster. This seafood is rich in zinc. Not having enough zinc in the body can lead to hair loss and even flaky, dry scalp. Oyster also has protein, which is also essential in having healthy hair. Protein can replace the hairs that you shed. This is an important step when discovering how to make hair grow.
- Eggs. They are loaded with vitamins A, D, and E. They are also a good source of protein, sulfur, and fatty acids, which can help bring back the luster of the hair. If you have hair loss problem, vitamin A and E in egg can take care of that. The protein in it can make hair follicles strong too. Vitamin B12 and sulfur are great for hair growth and both can be found in the egg yolk. Aside from eating it, you can also use it as a natural conditioner. For dry hair, you can apply egg on hair to moisturize. It leaves hair soft and smooth. It can also repair damage and prevent hair breakage.
- Sunflower seeds. They contain calcium, zinc, protein, selenium, omega 3-fatty acids, copper, B vitamins, vitamin E, biotin, potassium, iron, and magnesium, which can all help in preventing hair loss. Sunflower seeds can be eaten raw or mixed in dishes like salad or steamed vegetables. It is not advisable to eat too much of it though as it is also rich in calories and fats.
- Lentils. These legumes are loaded with iron, protein, biotin, and zinc. The hair’s structure can be credited to keratin, which is hardened protein. Therefore, with protein, hair grows faster and stronger.
- Spinach. This leafy vegetable is packed with iron, vitamin c, beta carotene, and folate. Folate helps in producing red blood cells, while iron helps the red blood cells carry oxygen. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, which means there is not enough red blood cells in the blood. Symptoms of anemia include feeling weak and tired, headache, looking pale, and hair loss. Based on studies, women in their childbearing years are more likely to have iron deficiency due to the lost of iron in the blood through heavy monthly menstruation. Making sure your iron levels are sufficient is an important part of learning how to make hair grow.
- Bell peppers. Vitamin C is known to be the best friend of the skin and hair, aside from the body’s immune system. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron, which ensures enough oxygen is transported to the hair follicles. Vitamin C is also responsible in producing collagen, a structural protein that makes skin tight and hair strong. Not having enough vitamin C in the body can result to dry hair and split ends. This anti-oxidant can strengthen the hair shaft and hair follicles to prevent breakage and hair loss.
- Beef. For healthy hair, a good amount of protein in our body is needed. Beef is known to be loaded with protein, aside from B vitamins, zinc, and iron. Of course, due to health reasons, eating lean meat is a better choice. For hair growth, you can eat lean meat two to three times a week. It is also best to eat fresh meat than preserved ones. Beef can be enjoyed in a lot of ways and mixed in salads, soups, and main dishes. If you have gout or high cholesterol though and you are asked by your doctor to stay away from beef, there are still other foods that contain protein too.
- Greek yogurt. It’s time to go to the grocery and look for low-fat Greek yogurt. It is high in calcium, zinc, protein, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin B5, an ingredient often seen on hair products. All these nutrients can give you shiny, moisturized and strong hair. It can also make your scalp healthy, preventing dandruff. If you do not like the taste of yogurt, you can try mixing it with fruits, like berries. This fruit can even add benefits to your hair since it is a good source of vitamin C. You can also use greek yogurt as hair mask by massaging it on your scalp and leaving it for a few minutes.