Benefits of Texlaxing Over Relaxing
Properly cared-for relaxed hair is easily manageable and can maintain a healthy look and feel. However, some women, especially those with fine hair, may find that regular relaxers rob what little fullness they have out of their tresses. This is where texlaxing may benefit fine-haired ladies or anyone who wants a little more versatility from chemical processes. Read on to understand the difference of texlaxed vs. relaxed hair.
Texlaxing uses the same chemicals as relaxing. The difference is in how long the chemicals are left on, as well as other additions to the relaxer formula. You may choose to add a conditioner or natural oil, such as olive or coconut, to your relaxer before applying it to your hair. This creates a barrier between the relaxer and your tresses. Also, women who texlax cut the processing time down. Instead of leaving a relaxer on for 10 minutes, a texlaxer application may only be five to eight minutes.
You may experience these benefits from texlaxing:
Retain more volume: Because your hair isn’t relaxed bone straight, you’ll have more volume to it. Whether your hair is naturally fine or you simply love a fuller look, you won’t relax all of your hair’s body away with this method.
Less chance of damage: Not only are the chemicals left on for a shorter amount of time, but you also have a conditioner or oil acting as a barrier. The less contact chemicals have with your mane, the less likely you are to suffer damage or overprocessing.
Easier style changes: If your hair is relaxed very straight, it can be difficult to create curly or wavy styles because your mane may not be able to hold a curl well. With texlaxed hair, it’s easier to switch between straight looks (with the help of wrapping or a flat iron if needed) and wavier hairstyles.
One of the downsides to texlaxing is the unpredictability of results, even from one application to the next. Sixty seconds can make the difference between perfectly processed hair and hair that’s a little too straight. Even so, hair that isn’t processed too long is in better shape for a variety of styling options.
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