Causes of Hair Loss

Causes of Hair Loss

Everyone loses hair everyday. On an average, we shed about 50 to 100 strands a day, but we do not really notice it since we have thousands of hair on our scalp. We lose hair when we brush, shampoo, condition, hair dye, heat style, or basically anything that we do to our hair. In fact, sometimes we just wake up with some hair strands on our pillow, right? But shedding hair is not really bothersome, it is a cycle that our hair goes through. They also grow back, which is why we also see a lot of baby hairs sticking out. But what if hair does not grow back? What if you noticed that your hair is thinning? Then, you must pay close attention to it. Hair loss can be demoralizing. It can be stressful. It can lower your confidence and can cause embarrassment and depression. What are different causes of hair loss anyway? Let’s take a look.


Causes of Hair Loss


  • Hereditary. The most common cause of hair loss is genetic, known as androgenetic alopecia. You can inherit it from either your mother side or father side, or both.
  • Pregnancy. Most of the time, women experience hair loss after giving birth. For the new mothers, do not worry as it will grow back after a few months.
  • Stress. This could be from major surgery, severe illness, drastic weight loss, car accident, or extreme anxiety. If you have illness or have undergone surgery, just be patient and your hair will grow back. If you are experiencing extreme stress, the only way to stop hair loss is to relax. Watch a movie, spend time with your loved ones, eat in a good restaurant, exercise, or do whatever that will let you forget about stress.
  • Medication. Hair loss can also be due to the side effect of a medication you are taking. Some examples are vitamin A, birth control pills, non steroidal anti inflammatory, anti clotting drugs, weight loss drugs, beta-blockers, antidepressants, drugs to lower cholesterol, high blood pressure medications, and a lot more. Once you stop intake, hair will soon grow back. Make sure to ask your doctor first before making any changes to your medication.
  • Anemia. This is caused by iron deficiency, which means there is not enough red blood cells in the blood. If you do not eat foods rich in iron or if you are having heavy monthly period, you may be prone to anemia. Symptoms of anemia include feeling weak and tired, headache, looking pale, and hair loss. But to diagnose this, you must get a blood test. If you are positive, eat foods that are rich in iron like pork, fish, beef, beans, and leafy vegetables, and also foods with vitamin C to enhance the absorption of iron.
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  • Heat styling and hair chemicals. Too much use of heat styling tools, such as curling iron, blow dryer, and flat iron, as well as hair coloring, straightening, and perming can cause hair to fall. Basically, anything that you do to your hair that could damage it can be the reason why you are losing too much hair. Usually though, hair loss from heat styling and hair chemicals is due to breakage, which means that the hair shaft has been broken. How would you know if it is due to breakage? Check the pieces of hair that fall if there are follicles or roots on one end. If none, then it means you are experiencing falling hair due to hair breakage.

To address this, simply minimize the use of heat styling tools. If unavoidable on certain occasions, then use products to keep your hair healthy, like a heat protection spray prior to blow drying. Also, keep your hair strong by using conditioner and hair treatments. If your hair is damaged, use the Rejuvenate Strengthening Protein Treatment after each wash followed by the Hydrate Conditioning Treatment. If your hair is healthy, use the Hydrate Conditioning Treatment after each wash. Once or twice per month, you can use the Rejuvenate Strengthening Protein Treatment followed by the Hydrate Conditioning Treatment. The Hydrate Conditioning Treatment restores moisture lost during chemical treatments and heat styling. It penetrates the hair to provide moisture within the hair shaft. The Rejuvenate Strengthening Protein Treatment rebuilds your hair structure and restores protein lost during chemical treatments and heat styling. It stops breakage, fortifies, and strengthens damaged hair. Remember, when using conditioner, apply from the middle section of your hair all the way down to the tips. If you have time, let the product stay for 10 to 15 minutes to let the hair absorb the moisturizing ingredients. For deep conditioning, use a shower cap and let it stay for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.

  • Hypothyroidism. Thyroid disease usually occurs on women. It happens when your thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone, which is important for metabolism. This can result to hair loss. To know if you have hypothyroidism, a blood test must be done. If positive, thyroid medication will be given by the doctor to normalize your thyroid levels. Once corrected, hair will grow back.
  • Lupus. It is an autoimmune disease where the immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks healthy tissues. Aside from hair loss, symptoms of Lupus include joint pain, fatigue, headache, oral ulcers, chest pain, and anemia. See a doctor to properly address hair loss caused by this disease.
  • Chemotherapy. It destroys rapidly growing cancer cells, at the same time, other rapidly growing cells in the body, including the hair. Hair starts to fall one to three weeks after the first chemotherapy treatment and could fall out gradually or in clumps. Usually, hair loss due to chemotherapy is temporary. Hair will grow back once it is stopped.

If you can stop hair loss, then do it. You just have to first know the real cause and apply the right treatment. If your hair loss is permanent, there are still number of ways to deal with it. You can try a different hairstyle to hide baldness. If hair is thinning, you can also get hair extensions to bring back the volume of your hair. Wig is also a good idea. There are a lot of quality wigs out there that look real. You can also experiment on hair accessories, like scarves, bandannas and wraps. Lastly, if you are ready to spend, then go for a transplant. Experiencing hair loss is not that easy, but your whole life should not be affected. There are a lot of ways to deal with hair loss, even if it is permanent.

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