Tea Tree Oil For Hair: What To Know About Using Tea Tree Oil & Its Benefits

Tea Tree Oil For Hair: What To Know About Using Tea Tree Oil & Its Benefits

Tea tree oil has been used for thousands of years but has only recently started to become popular as a natural hair care product. The practice of using tea tree oil started in Australia, by native aborigines and was used to cure cuts, burns, boils and for use as an antiseptic. Tea tree oil is extracted from a narrow-leaved tree native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. Tea tree oil is an amazing natural beauty product that should be a staple in any woman’s beauty arsenal.  Tea tree oil is a great natural choice for cleansing hair because it won’t cause damage or dryness. It can be used for a number of hair and beauty problems and can help to reduce the effects of hair loss and promote hair growth. Tea tree oil is becoming more and more popular as a natural hair care product. It can be used alone or paired with a gentle shampoo, like HAIRFINITY Gentle Cleanse Shampoo to gently cleanse and moisturize the hair and scalp.

You can use tea tree oil to maintain a healthy scalp, but it is also important to foster scalp health from the inside. HAIRFINITY Healthy Hair Vitamins are formulated with hair specific nutrients that will promote hair that is healthier and more vibrant.



How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Hair

Using tea tree oil for hair is an easy and effective way to maintain healthy hair and a healthy scalp. You can apply tea tree oil for hair in many ways, by simply massaging tea tree oil onto your scalp or adding a few drops to your favorite shampoo.

  • For hair growth:
    • tea tree oil helps to unclog hair follicles and nourish your roots.
      • To use tea tree oil as a hair growth treatment, mix a few drops of tea tree oil with any carrier oil (coconut, jojoba, almond).
      • Mix it well and massage the mixture onto the scalp.
      • Rinse thoroughly. The mixture should feel refreshing and will have a tingling effect on your scalp.
    • Tea tree oil can also be mixed with olive oil to add softness, smoothness and to add a protective layer that will be resistant to toxins and will help to promote hair growth.
      • To prepare, warm olive oil for a few seconds and mix in 3-5 drops of tea tree oil.
      • Apply this mixture to your scalp and hair at least once a day for 3 weeks in order to see amazing results. 
  • For dry scalp:
    • Tea tree oil is amazing for your dry scalp as it moisturizes and nourishes your scalp and hair. It helps to clear the blockages in the pores and helps to prevent dryness and itching.
    • To use tea tree oil for your dry scalp, take a few drops of tea tree oil and mix it well with jojoba oil.
    • Massage the mixture gently onto your scalp for 10-15 minutes.
    • Rinse out thoroughly and wash your hair as normal.
    • Repeat this process regularly to relieve any symptoms associated with dry scalp.
    • Tea tree oil can also be added to your regular conditioner to help relieve the itchiness caused by dry scalp. Simply shampoo your hair as normal, then add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular conditioner. Mix it well and apply to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse off completely.


  • For dandruff:
    • Tea tree oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that fight against the fungus that causes dandruff, and does so without drying your scalp. It works as a natural conditioner to your hair and eliminates any agents that are causing your skin to flake.
    • For a tea tree oil dandruff treatment, simply add tea tree oil to your existing shampoo, about 10 drops for every 8 ounces of shampoo in the bottle.
    • Shampoo your hair thoroughly and allow the tea tree oil mixture to sit on your hair for at least 3-5 minutes. This will let the oil work itself into the hair and begin to treat the scalp.
    • After the oil has set, rinse the shampoo from your hair thoroughly.


  • Hot tea tree oil hair treatment:
    • Tea tree oil can be added to any of your favorite hot oil treatments to add moisture to your scalp and help to treat dryness/itchiness.
    • Choose any carrier oil such as jojoba, olive, sesame, castor, almond or coconut oil.
    • Add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil to ½ cup of oil (use less if your hair is naturally more prone to oiliness, more if it is more prone to dryness).
    • Warm your oil mixture by heating plain water on the stove. Wait until the water is just about to boil and remove the pot from the stove.
    • Put the oil mixture in a separate container and place it in the warm water until the oil warms up. Test the oil on your wrist first to check the temperature, making sure it is not too hot.
    • Section your hair into four sections, to make distribution easier and more even.
    • Using an applicator bottle or your hands, apply the oil to your hair, distributing evenly.
    • Carefully massage the mixture into your scalp and coat through to your ends.
    • Cover your hair with a plastic shower cap and let the oil treatment sit on your hair for at least 30 minutes.
    • Shampoo and condition as normal.


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  • Hair mask:
    • Tea tree oil can be used in a hair mask to help eliminate dandruff, dryness and itchy skin.
    • Begin by choosing a base for your mask – one cup of plain yogurt or one whole avocado mashed up. Both are thick enough to act as a paste and will also moisturize due to their abundance of healthy fats.
    • Add 10 drops of argan oil, 2 tablespoons of honey (both will aid in hydration and act as a glue).
    • Add some drops of tea tree oil and stir the mixture until smooth and creamy.
    • Using gloves, apply the mixture directly to your scalp, press in and massage gently using your fingertips.
    • Leave on for 10 minutes, then make sure to rinse out thoroughly.
    • If you don’t have time for a DIY mask try adding tea tree oil to a conditioning treatment like HAIRFINITY Haircare



Tips, Tricks and Facts for Using Tea Tree Oil for Hair

  • Tea tree oil can be used on any type of hair, no matter what style, texture or length
  • Tea tree oil on its own is quite strong, so be sure to dissolve the oil into another carrier oil (like coconut, jojoba or olive) before applying to your hair or scalp. When applied in its undiluted form, tea tree oil can actually be very irritating and can cause itching and dryness. Stop using tea tree oil if you notice redness, rash, or irritation.
  • There are many tea tree oil based hair products like shampoos, conditioners, hair oils and dandruff shampoos on the market now to choose from. Try more than one type to see what works best for you and your individual needs.
  • Tea tree oil can cause allergies in some people, so try doing a patch test first with your diluted solution before applying it to your scalp or hair.
  • Try using a mixture of carrier oil with tea tree oil on dry hair. This may help to reduce or eliminate stubborn dandruff from the scalp.
  • Make sure that you are only using a few drops of tea tree oil with your carrier oil, or if using with a shampoo/conditioner, adding only 10 drops for every 8 ounces of shampoo/conditioner. If too much is used, it can have the opposite effect and cause hair to become extremely brittle and weak.
  • Tea tree oil is not only a great solution for hair but can also help to treat a number of skin infections and respiratory problems.

Tea tree oil has been used for thousands of years, and for good reason. It’s natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic and antiviral properties make it a great all natural treatment for many scalp ailments, like dandruff, oily hair and itchy scalp. Tea tree oil is one of the healthiest natural oils available and very effective as a treatment to increase hair growth. Tea tree oil is an amazing beauty product for both skin and hair, and should definitely have a place in every woman’s beauty cabinet! For more information about the benefits of tea tree oil for hair or any other natural oil please visit hairfinity.com.

Hairfinity Hair Vitamins, an innovation in hair care, is transforming the hair of women all over the world with a unique blend of vitamins, nutrients, and our exclusive Capilsana™ Complex. Start YOUR journey with Hairfinity Healthy Hair Vitamins today. SHOP NOW.