11 months after the big chop with hairfinity used the entire time
Kimberly Hill
Kimberly Hill
“Look what this vitamin did for me! It works differently for everyone but this is what it did for me. If taken like directed it should work for you too. Everyone’s body reacts differently to vitamins but just keep looking what works for you.”
2 months, 4 months, 6 months
T H E G R O W T H✅ this is from July of last year! Sometimes it’s so hard to maintain this mane, but I absolutely love how my hair is growing and being healthy!! My @hairfinity vitamins, along with exercising and drinking H2O is helping a lot…
Aliandra Lopez-Melendez
Aliandra Lopez-Melendez
It works ! I cut my hair into a bob for boot camp and a year and a half later this is my hair
“…this is literally my one month results after…“
Judith Baity
Judith Baity
Before and After
“Almost finished with my 2nd month, it works wonders”
“Omg @hairfinity Edge Serum really works!!! Just two months and my edges are coming back!!! I love you Hairfinity!”
Vivian Garcia
Vivian Garcia
“I love that product it make my hair very healthy too”
…March 2018. It was much shorter then…August,2018
After Two months the growth is incredible, thank you hairfinity