The Science of Shine: What It Takes to Get Lustrous Locks
Perfect hair – you know it’s out there. But how on earth can you turn your dry, frizzled mane into shiny, lustrous locks?
Perfect hair – you know it’s out there. But how on earth can you turn your dry, frizzled mane into shiny, lustrous locks?
What do eggs, avocados, and olive oil have in common? Sure, they all taste great in a salad but they can also give you strong, lustrous hair when used in a DIY hair mask!
Unless you’re a minimalist, you probably have some type of hair supply collection in your bathroom. If you haven’t organized your products, tools and accessories, now is a great time to start.
You love making your own hair products because you want to know exactly what you’re putting on your precious tresses. Every head of hair is different, however, so how do you choose the right ingredients...
Reading the directions on your jar of deep conditioner is a starting point for using it, but how about getting the most from this important step? If you want great results from your deep conditioner, be sure...
It’s not always easy to enjoy the straight look when the humidity is high. While this is especially true for natural ladies who like a press-and-curl at times, even relaxed or texlaxed women can suffer...
When it comes to moisturizing your hair, you prefer natural products over those packed with ingredient names you can barely pronounce. While natural ingredients have been around forever, they’re getting a lot more recognition in...
Hair weaves can do much more than make your hair look longer and thicker. Wearing a weave is also a smart way to protect your hair if you're trying to gain length.
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