Is Vitamin E Good for Your Hair?
Hair is a mysterious stuff. Sometimes it grows, and sometimes it doesn't; but when it comes to helping your hair grow, it may sometimes seem as if it's an impossible thing. Either because you have spent a lot of money on hair treatments and the result was little or no improvement, or you need a solution that won't cost you much.
Perhaps you have also heard about Vitamin E helping with hair growth and are unsure if it helps hair growth. If you find yourself in such a state, this article is for you.
In this article, we will dive deep into Vitamin E and how it does help with the growth of the hair.
What Is Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble and strong antioxidant your body needs to stay healthy. It's also known as tocopherol and tocotrienol (if you're referring to the phytochemical form).
In the real sense, most people know that Vitamin E is an important nutrient for overall health. However, it is not a very popular topic regarding hair. Contrary to what many believe, vitamin E is an essential ingredient in promoting hair growth.
If you've ever wondered about the science behind that vitamin E nutrient someone close to you has been urging you to take, here's a primer on how it can help with hair growth.
Vitamin E as a fat-soluble vitamin
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that has been shown to help your body in many ways, including keeping your skin healthy and supporting hair growth. That's right: Vitamin E can help grow healthy hair.
Since it's fat-soluble (meaning it dissolves in fats), your body stores any excess vitamin E that is not used immediately. This means you can take supplements if your diet doesn't contain enough of the nutrient or its derivatives through food sources alone.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that allows cells to function properly and stay healthy; vitamin E also influences the repair of DNA damage caused by free radicals.
While this might seem like an esoteric distinction for most people, it does have some important implications for those hoping to grow their hair back (or grow new hair altogether). Hair follicle cells are located within tiny pockets called "hair follicles." These follicles contain keratinocytes and melanocytes. Pigment-producing Keratin and skin cells ( keratinocytes and melanocytes) are responsible for strengthening hair and for coloring our skin and giving us freckles when we've been exposed to too much sunlight over time.
Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants. Still, experts recommend consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to get enough antioxidants for optimal health benefits, including improved skin tone, reduced inflammation, improved cardiovascular health, and more energy throughout the day!
Vitamin E is one type of antioxidant that can help protect against aging caused by free radical damage. Found in vegetable oils and nuts, Vitamin E is an antioxidant that prevents cell damage by acting as a natural preservative inside your body.
Vitamin E enhances sufficient blood discharge to the scalp
Studies have also shown that vitamin E promotes blood circulation in the scalp, keeps follicles healthy, and supports hair growth when used topically on the skin and hair follicles.
It also helps the follicle cells produce collagen (hair protein) that empowers hair with strength and elasticity.
Vitamin E as a natural moisturizer
Vitamin E is also helpful for your hair growth because it's a natural moisturizer that helps prevent dryness and breakage. Many people use vitamin supplements with their shampoo or conditioner to get increased moisture from their hair! This essential nutrient can help boost your hair growth while ensuring it remains healthy and shiny.
Vitamin E as a supplement
Vitamin E can be taken as a supplement or applied topically to the skin or hair to help protect it against damage caused by pollution, chemicals or sunlight.
Vitamin E assists with the supply of oxygen to your scalp, which keeps the skin healthy and supports hair growth.
Vitamin E helps cells communicate with each other and helps to deliver oxygen to your scalp, which keeps the skin healthy and supports hair growth.
It's significant to point out that not all vitamins are formulated similarly regarding hair growth. Vitamin E should be used in conjunction with other essential vitamins like zinc because they work together to nourish your scalp at different levels of the follicle cycle—which means they're more effective when taken together than separately.
Vitamin E oil may also assist in the prevention of hair loss.
It is a natural antioxidant that may help prevent hair loss by reducing the effects of free radicals and UV damage. Free radicals can interfere with the structure of your hair and cause it to break, while UV rays can result in fine lines and an overall dull look to your hair.
Vitamin E can help restore damaged hair
Vitamin E oil is often recommended to restore damaged hair; it may also help prevent future damage by guarding against further exposure to these factors. Regular vitamin E oil can help keep your scalp healthy while encouraging new growth at the roots.
What Does Vitamin E Do For Hair?
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to prevent a host of hair-related conditions and ailments, including:
- Hair loss
- Dandruff
- Hair breakage
- Dryness
- Premature graying
- Brittle strands
- Frizziness
Adult Recommendation For Vitamin E Usage
It's recommended that adults get 15 mg of vitamin E daily by eating foods high in this nutrient like nuts or seeds (peanuts), whole grains like oatmeal or brown rice, and leafy greens such as spinach or kale.
You can use vitamin E internally or externally to help your hair grow healthy.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that's good for your skin and hair, and you can take it internally or externally. If you want to use it as a treatment outside your body, apply it directly to the scalp with a few drops of jojoba oil (or another light carrier oil).
You can also add some vitamin E capsules into your shampoo or conditioner before applying them, though this method works best if you have oily hair since it will help balance out the natural oils in oily scalps. Vitamin E is ideal for anyone who wants to slow down aging processes like wrinkles in skin tissue or thinning hair shafts.
If you want to take vitamin E internally instead of applying it externally, swallow one capsule daily with food if possible—though this might be hard if you don't eat meals regularly each day. It might also work better if you dissolve your capsule in water before swallowing because doing so will increase absorption rates significantly compared to simply swallowing whole capsules without any liquid. However, confirm the amount of dosage you should take from a medical practitioner before you start taking capsules.
It will not make you grow your hair back if you're already balding, though.
While vitamin E is not a magical cure for baldness, it can help your hair grow strong and healthy. However, if you're already experiencing hair loss, remember that vitamin E will not regrow your hair. Instead, it should be used as a supplement to help prevent further damage and maintain healthy follicles.
If you are experiencing balding or other hair loss and want to try out vitamin E as an alternative treatment, talk with a dermatologist first to determine what course of action might be best for you.
How to Use Vitamin E Oil
The best way to use vitamin E oil on your hair is by taking one capsule, opening it, and applying the oil to your hair. Apply a substantial quantity of oil to your scalp and massage it in. Leave the vitamin E on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
This application of Vitamin E oil might also work best for you.
To apply vitamin E oil: mix 1/2 teaspoon of pure vitamin E oil with 1/4 cup vegetable or olive oil; massage into scalp for about 15 minutes; leave on overnight or for several hours before rinsing out with shampoo.
Alternatively, you can use a hair oil that contains vitamin E, like Hairfinity Nourishing Botanical Oil. Besides vitamin E, this powerhouse formula contains other hair-healthy oils, such as:
- Grapeseed Oil
- Sweet Almond Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Olive Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Moringa Oil
- Apricot Oil
- Essential Oils (Lavender, Cedar, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Thyme, Peppermint)
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, but it isn't for everyone. Vitamin E can interact with other medications and cause toxicity in some people.
Here are some important things to consider:
- If you're allergic to nuts, including almonds and hazelnuts (often used in vitamin E supplements), you should avoid taking vitamin E supplements altogether. Likewise, if you have a peanut allergy or even a mild sensitivity to peanuts, it's best not to take these types of supplements either. This is because nuts contain several compounds closely related to the chemical structure of vitamin E itself—and these compounds could potentially trigger an allergic reaction when taken as part of a supplement (or even when eaten). For this reason, anyone with an allergy or sensitivity should consult their doctor before taking any supplement containing vitamin E or similar ingredients!
- Reports have linked high doses of antioxidants—including vitamins A and C—to increased risks for certain cancers like esophageal cancer (or "squamous cell carcinoma"). While there aren't any studies showing how much risk might increase from using these substances long-term, doing so would probably not be smart since all three antioxidants can cause side effects such as nausea if taken in large amounts over time! Consulting a medical expert on how much dosage of this substance to use is important because too much vitamin E can be detrimental to one's health.
- Consult your Doctor. If you are considering adding vitamin E to your hair care routine, it's important to consult a medical expert on how much dosage of this substance to use. There are risks of using too much vitamin E, such as skin irritation and other side effects. This fat-soluble vitamin can build up in the body if you take more than recommended doses, also known as an overdose. It is also important to note that some research shows that vitamin E can be toxic at high doses—but these studies have not been conclusive yet. If you decide to include this supplement in your daily regimen, talk to your doctor about how much is safe for you before starting any new treatments or supplements!
If regular vitamin E treatments don't bring you results, consult with a dermatologist.
If you have not seen any results from using vitamin E, it is recommended that you consult with a dermatologist. A dermatologist will be able to deduce the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
If vitamin E does not work for your hair, your reason may be due to a different cause than what was previously thought. For example, some people have oily scalp issues, and this may prevent them from seeing any improvement in their hair quality.
In this case, a dermatologist can prescribe treatments such as rogaine or other testosterone blockers so they can continue using vitamin E on their scalp without having it get lost in their hair's natural oils.
Vitamin E is essential for hair growth because it keeps your follicles strong, healthy, and vibrant; it gives them more energy to grow new strands. Also, it reduces inflammation and redness by fighting off free radicals that cause these issues in the first place (which makes it perfect for sensitive scalps); improves elasticity, so hair doesn't break easily when brushed or washed too roughly.
However, it is not intended as a daily supplement by experts because it can cause side effects if taken in large doses. Many brands claim to improve hair growth through vitamins, but not all work as advertised! When shopping around for supplements, make sure they have clinical studies backing up their claims, so you know precisely what you're buying into."
Also, this is just one aspect of the general health of your hair of good nutrition, and regular exercise will go even further in helping you reach those goals!