8 Yoga Asanas That Can Help With Hair Growth
Did you know that roughly 35 million men and 21 million women suffer from hair loss?
Aside from the sadness it may cause, hair loss indicates one's overall well-being. Hair loss is a common occurrence, but it may be slowed down with the proper methods. Aside from genetics, hormonal imbalances, poor dietary habits, illnesses, medications, chemical hair treatments, dandruff, and smoking, stress is the most significant cause of hair thinning and hair loss.
Hair loss may be prevented by practicing yoga and eating a healthy diet, both of which are excellent methods for reducing everyday stress.
Aside from reviving your whole body, yoga improves your scalp's blood flow, which then, in turn, stops hair follicles from falling out. Meditation and deep breathing may help people keep their hair by reducing stress on their scalp.
Yoga for Hair Growth
We're all aware of yoga's many skin benefits. Yoga can help with anything from skin health to facial tone. If you're like most people, you probably didn't realize that yoga's beautifying effects extend beyond the skin. Even your hair may benefit from the appropriate yoga asanas.
Yoga for hair growth/regrowth is becoming more popular as the world learns about the benefits it may provide for hair growth. Several yoga positions may assist with numerous hair issues—yoga can help promote hair growth, halt hair loss, and enhance the general quality of your hair.
You just have to lay down a yoga mat and just strike a pose for the beautiful hair you have always desired.
When you perform the stretching and splitting, the spiritual exercise essentially works its magic by improving blood circulation and healing cells. Many yoga asanas, such as downward dog and shoulder stand, have been shown to improve the health of one's hair.
Besides providing you with a leaner physique, a calmer mind, and cleaner skin, it may also offer you fantastic hair, which makes it all worth giving a try! How? you may ask. Let us teach you how to do yoga for hair growth.
Here are eight yoga asanas that can help you grow your hair faster and stronger. Read on.
Tip: Straighten your back and lift your legs up while lying on your back. Your buttocks should be held in place by your forearms, and you should keep your back straight and upright. Maintain a straight spine by allowing your body to rest on your shoulders. Keep your toes tight, your neck straight, and your eyes focused on the ground. Hold the posture for a few seconds before releasing. Inhale and exhale slowly.
Benefit: This yoga posture is one of the finest therapies for hair growth since it is very beneficial to the thyroid, which is linked to hair loss. If your hair is brittle and lifeless, it will benefit from this treatment as well. You'll have lush hair thanks to the flow of blood to your head, which helps to feed your hair follicles. Anti-hair loss and regrowth properties are provided by this yoga pose. A healthy, shiny head of hair will be yours with this stance, which has long-lasting benefits for hair.
Tip: Kneel on the yoga mat and maintain a tiny gap between your knees. As you bend backwards, attempt to place your hands on the soles of your feet and make contact with them. Keep your chest high and your gaze backwards. Take a few deep breaths in and out of this posture before releasing. It's worth it to attempt this yoga stance for hair development, even if it's challenging.
Benefit: It can help with a variety of things, including improving one's posture, digestion, and strength in the back. However, it may also aid in the development of a thicker, more voluminous mane. Hair growth is helped by activating scalp nerves and increasing blood flow to the brain, which strengthens hair and stops hair loss.
Tip: Place your palms and knees on the mat in a fetal position. Make an inverted V with your body by standing on your feet and moving your leg backward. Make sure your arms and legs are straight, and your abdomen is squeezed inward while you do this stretch. Focus on your navel while keeping your head down. Hold that posture for five full breaths before moving on.
Benefit: This is the most effective yoga posture for the back and head, as well as stress, depression, and restlessness. It is a part of the sun salutation. In this position, blood circulates in the scalp, regenerating hair follicles and the scalp as a whole. As a result of the increased circulation to the scalp, hair follicles are strengthened, and new hair growth is aided.
Tip: Begin by taking a kneeling position on the yoga mat. Then, interlace your fingers and lower your head. Holding on to the tops of your hands, steadily raise your legs until your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and supporting your head. Keep your arms and legs straight and erect. Hold the stance for a few seconds when your body has stabilized. Take a deep breath in and out while you lay on your back with your feet relaxed.
Benefit: Hair thinning, balding, and hair loss may all be helped by this yoga posture, which increases blood flow to the scalp. In addition, this stance aids in hair renewal and slows down the onset of premature graying. It takes the latent hair follicles to their full development potential when they are turned upside down. This leads to faster hair growth.
Tip: Begin by bending your knees to the floor and then sitting up straight, heels close together, in a relaxed, relaxed position. Place your hands on your thighs in a relaxed position and maintain a straight gaze. For at least thirty seconds, hold that posture while taking slow, deep breaths. After that, take a break and do some stretching.
Benefit: It's a straightforward yoga stance that even beginners can master. Hair loss and graying are often brought on by strain and stress, which are relieved by performing the vajrasana stance. It stimulates blood flow in the scalp as well as strengthens the hair. Performing this stance consistently will increase hair health and make it long, and also make it strong over time.
Tip: Keep your back straight, and your legs close together while you're standing. Straighten your arms as you raise them, take a deep inhale, and then lean forward without exhaling. Your hands should be placed on the mat next to your heels and held there for a few seconds. During this moment, it's important to keep your neck relaxed and your eyes and head down. Pull your abs in as well, and you'll seem more toned. Breathe out as you stand. Rep a couple times more.
Benefit: The camel position is an essential part of any list of asanas for hair growth. You can easily do this yoga stance, and it's also incredibly beneficial to your health. Hair follicles are able to grow thick and strong because they relax muscles as well as circulate oxygen and blood to the scalp and head. In addition, it makes your hair silkier and shinier while also improving its texture and quality.
Tip: Maintain a straight back when laying on your back. Keeping your palms facing down, slowly inhale as you lower yourself to the floor. Engage your core and extend as far as you can as you steadily rise. Hold the stance for 15 to 30 seconds by arching your neck completely. When bending, be careful not to put too much strain on your back since this might result in damage.
Benefit: This is a simple asana that can be practiced quickly and without any special equipment. The majority of hair issues may be alleviated with it, which is why it is often suggested for healthy and strong hair. You'll notice a decrease in hair loss and an increase in growth if you practice this stance every day.
Tip: Kneel on the mat and lower your head until it rests on your knees, as though in a prayer position. Let the top of your head rest on the ground while you relax. Try to grasp your heels with your hands while keeping your arms straight. Hold this yoga stance for a few breaths, and then come out of it slowly and smoothly. Relax and take a few deep breaths as you go.
Benefit: Performing sasangasana for two minutes every day may result in thicker, healthier hair. This may seem like a difficult yoga stance, but it is really rather simple. Balanced hormone levels improve blood flow to the scalp and stop hair loss, making hair less likely to fall out.
Bonus tip: Pavanmuktasana (the wind-relieving pose)
Place your hands by your sides while you lean on your back. Take a deep breath and raise your right knee to your chest as you exhale. Press your thigh into your abdomen while holding your hands together. Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, raise your chest and head off the mat, bringing your chin to your right knee to complete the pose.
Benefit: According to popular belief, your whole body benefits when your digestive system is in good shape. Hair is no exception to this rule. Your hair will be healthier if you have a healthy digestive system. This yoga pose promotes hair development by nourishing your digestive system. You'll thank us later if you do it first thing every morning.
When it comes to your overall well-being and hair-growth plan, yoga may play an important role. The following suggestions may also assist you in experiencing increased hair growth:
- Consume a well-balanced diet rich in lean protein. Protein is the primary structural component of good hair, and a deficiency in protein may cause hair growth to be stunted. Protein-rich foods include lean meat cuts, skinless poultry, fish, eggs, beans, low-fat dairy, and nuts.
- Limit your intake of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E, and selenium. Researchers have found a connection between hair loss and using too many of these supplements. Make sure you read the supplement's label to see how much you should take each day, and stick to that quantity.
- Don't be harsh on your hair. When styling hair, avoid using heat tools wherever feasible and avoid tugging the hair too tightly in ponytails or braids, which may cause hair loss and breakage.
- Massage the scalp in a gentle, circular motion. Using your fingers to massage your hair follicles may increase blood flow to the scalp and alleviate tension. For a scalp massage, there is no time limit, but it should be done for as long as you begin to feel its stress-relieving benefits.
- Hair loss can be caused by a number of medical conditions, including alopecia, which lifestyle changes will not reverse. Consider consulting with a doctor if you're worried about your hair loss.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the best yoga poses for hair growth?
As far as hair health goes, there really is no one perfect yoga asana to try. You may choose from the following options:
- Adho mukha savasana (downward-facing dog pose)
- Sirsasana (headstand)
- Vajrasana (the Thunderbolt Pose)
- Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
- Uttanasana (camel pose with forward bending)
What is the best time of day to practice yoga?
Yoga asanas are best practiced on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, before breakfast. This finest practice provides a pleasant and healthy start to the day. If you can't get out of bed in the morning, you may still practice yoga mudras in the evening hours, just before the sunsets. Moreover, since each woman's body is unique, yoga may be practiced at a time that works best for her.
Final Thoughts
Healthy hair can improve a person's look. Yoga exercise may or may not increase the health of your hair, but it may undoubtedly serve as a stress-relieving activity and improve your overall well-being.
Regular practice of the following yoga positions will help you improve your general well-being as well as the appearance of your hair.