7 Ways To Improve Your Hair Health Today

7 Ways To Improve Your Hair Health Today

7 Ways to Improve Your Hair Health Today

Hair is one pivotal aspect of the body and this is why it is important to care for it. How you care for your hair goes a long way to determining if you actually care for your body or not.  

For most women, the health of their hair is part of their beauty process and so they need to be conscious of taking care of their hair, protecting it from various environmental pollutants. 

There are several factors that could negatively impact the growth of our hair ranging from stress, use of hot styling hair techniques, genetics, poor health conditions, etc.

However, by applying some basic tips, you can massively improve the health and quality of your hair. This includes applying simple homemade hair products, abstinence from hair damaging products and techniques, and consuming the right diets that promote hair growth.

Moreso, it is important to know which product and style suit your type of hair and which one does not.  

The essence of this post is to enlighten you on how to keep your hair healthy. 

Below are seven tips to help improve the quality of your hair:

Eat a healthy diet for healthy hair

1. Pay Much Attention to Your Diet

This should be your primary concern if having rich, fuller, and beautiful hair remains your priority.  Many people believe the physical care they give to their hair or perhaps, the styling products is all there is to make it beautiful. 

Beyond what you can see outside, what goes inside has an important role to play in what is outside.  This is where the kind of food we feed on comes to play. 

Typically, for hair growth, it is important to consider eating more food with high levels of protein and iron as they have proven over time to be effective for enhancing hair growth. In the human body, the cells that control the hair are the fastest-growing. 

Notwithstanding, they are also the first recipients of the consequences of a bad diet. When this happens, you can be sure that the result you see outside on your hair would be poor. 

Imagine what happens to the plants in your garden if you don’t water them? Relate that to your hair growth. Nothing beats having naturally silky, soft, and beautiful hair other than the artificial products we use. 

It is therefore important to include foods such as vegetables, soybeans, beans, fish, cereals, pumpkin seeds, cheese, milk, lentils, and yogurt in your diet as these foods are rich in iron and protein. 

According to medical practitioners, it is beneficial to consume 12 mg of iron daily.  Additionally, protein is needed to make your hair firm and strong. You can not underestimate the value of diet on your hair and if having healthy hair remains your goal, you need to start eating right.  

An easy way to fill in the nutritional gaps in your diet is to take a multivitamin design to promote hair growth, like HAIRFINITY Healthy Hair Vitamins. This powerhouse multivitamin was created to nourish your hair from within. Each capsule contains the vitamins and minerals you need for longer, stronger hair, including our exclusive Capilsana® Complex.


Shield Your Hair From Environmental Pollutants

2. Shield Your Hair From Environmental Pollutants

Here is another way to improve your hair quality. When you excessively expose your hair to certain environmental elements such as the sun, wind, rain, heat, and dirt, you can be sure that the quality of your hair depreciates. 

More so, as dirt begins to build up, the hair also begins to dry out, and the scalp becomes prone to infections. It is advisable to always cover your hair with an umbrella if you will have to walk in the sun or rain. For the former, exposing your uncovered hair to the sun could make it lose necessary nutrients and vitamins which leads to dryness. 

On the other hand, the rain makes your hair wet and this leads to fragile hair that breaks often. At any point in time you find your hair dirty, washing with water is the best alternative. 

In the end, you want to be sure that you are not brushing your hair almost immediately after washing it as this leads to hair breakage. Pat your hair dry and do not rub vigorously with a towel. You might dry your hair faster, but the amount of hair that breaks and falls away also doubles up.

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Hairfinity Grow Stimulating Conditioner

3. Conditioners Are Important

The benefits of using conditioners on your hair cannot be underestimated.   Conditioners ensure that the moisture contents in the hair shaft are sealed.  If you have not been using conditioners, that is why your hair is frizzy. 

However, conditioners should not be used on the scalp. They are not meant for the scalp as an excess of conditioner on the scalp makes it oily.  Most importantly, make sure to choose the best conditioners and shampoos that work for your hair.   

This can be done by checking through the descriptions on the body of your products for specific features and contents that work for you.  Usually, it is important to use the same brand of conditioners and shampoos as you can be sure they have the same formulation. 

They are uniquely formulated and produced to offer some specific purposes.  It cannot be overemphasized that slightly warm or cold water should be used to wash your hair.  Avoid using hot water on your hair in order to prevent your hair cuticles and the pores on the epidermis from opening up. 

In essence, hot water has the tendency to damage your hair. Additionally, you can employ the use of warm water for shampooing.  You can use clarifying shampoos occasionally as it ensures deep conditioning.  After using conditioners and shampoo, the next thing to do would be to brush your hair. What this does is spread natural oils to every part of your hair. It is also important not to do this excessively as it causes breakage. 


Coconut oil for your hair

4. Invest In Home-made Remedies

Another way to improve your hair health is to use homemade remedies. Explore the use of lemon, chamomile tea, or honey as they are great sources for hair lightening.  

When you explore the mixture of lemon juice and water on your hair, the result on the hair is soft and silky.  Also, you would not want to underestimate the benefits of honey and water. 

Other homemade remedies such as almond oil, coconut oil, shea butter, and cocoa butter also have their own part to play when it comes to having the soft, silky, and beautiful hair you desire. 

Eggs, curd, and mustard oil are other homemade remedies that help in revitalizing dry hair. Eggs contain a high degree of vitamin A, D, B12, and E. 

Additionally, the avocado and peppermint oil also known as butter pear is another homemade recipe that works.  With the addition of peppermint oil, it could be used as a mask on the hair.  Olive oil, coconut oil, and eggs also aid speedy hair growth. 

Advisedly, warm 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, let it cool and include one or two eggs and two tablespoons of olive oil, and apply it on the scalp. A conditioner might work wonders for your hair but oil gives it certain minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids that not only strengthen your roots, but also boost the overall health of your hair. 

Coconut oil is also effective as it can protect your hair from sun damage, and dandruff. It also removes sebum build-up from hair follicles accelerating hair growth. 

You could boil some curry leaves in coconut oil, strain the oil and apply it to your hair.  You can consider using Chinese hibiscus flowers instead of curry leaves. If you suffer from hair fall, then olive oil would be a better bet as it could be combined with a host of other ingredients. 

There are several other homemade remedies and combinations that can further help to improve your hair health.

You can decide to mix olive oil and honey and apply it to your scalp for about 15 minutes or if you like, overnight before you wash away with water. 

Moreso, the use of shea butter and almond cannot be underestimated as it ensures soft and silky hair which is easy to comb. When you apply the mixture of shea butter and water to your hair, hair breakage is reduced to the minimum. 


Limit how much heat you apply to your hair

5. Avoid the Excessive Use of Heat On Your Hair

Excess heat contributes to stripping moisture contents from hair making it dry and unattractive. In addition, when you overheat your hair, it gets burnt. It is important to engage iron or curl straighteners only when needed. Use alongside a hair protectant.  

Do not overwork your hair with diverse styling products, there are eventual consequences it has on your hair. It affects the health of your strands and scalp. 

Avoid products with heat, avoid blow-drying, and some other hot styling tools as they have the capabilities to cause your hair breakage. It is also a great idea to avoid the use of tight hair ties. Hair ties pull back your hair which ultimately induces friction which could cause breakage. 

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Oil for your hair

6. Apply Oil On the Scalp Often 

You cannot go wrong with the frequent application of oil on your scalp.  Oil massage as it is fondly called is the oldest remedy for extra shiny and soft hair. It also serves as one of the best home remedies for healthy hair. 

You can use any of olive oil, almond oil, or coconut oil.  The good thing about this is that it could be used at bedtime. All you need to do is massage your scalp thoroughly, leaving it on for an hour or if you wish, overnight before washing with water.

Applying oil on the scalp is always a good idea but make sure it is not in excess.  While a conditioner is perfect, you cannot also rule out the wonders oil does on your hair.  Oil induces certain minerals and nutrients, vitamins that ensure your hair is firm, also adding to the whole outlook of your hair.   

Do you know coconut oil mixed with some other ingredients like curry leaves can shield your hair from being damaged by the sun? Not only that, but the mixture also assists to eliminate dandruff and sebum build-up from hair follicles in charge of our hair growth.  

If perhaps, your hair sheds every now and then, you could want to bank on olive oil. For example, olive oil with honey and cinnamon powder works magic for this issue. Just apply it on the scalp for 15 minutes before washing away with water. 

Try Hairfinity Nourishing Botanical Oil if you want a one and done oil. It is a powerful blend of vitamins and essential oils and increase shine and elasticity, and infuse your hair with moisture while reducing breakage up to 95%.

Hairfinity Strengthening Amino Masque reduces breakage after just one use.

7. Use Hair masks

To ensure beautiful and soft hair, you cannot go wrong with the use of hair masks. Notably, the ones that are suitable for your hair. It is important to know that hairs are different and so, they have different needs. 

Check out the specific mask that suits your hair type.  This is to avoid breakouts or some other hair infections that may arise if they didn’t suit your hair type.  

Typically, hair mask treatments contain oils as they are used for the hydration of hair with quite huge benefits. Moreso, using them can assist to decrease incessant hair breakages making your hair healthier. The good thing is that they could be made at home.

Give your hair a deeper infusion of moisture with Hairfinity Strenghtening Hair Masque, infused with relaxing scents of sea salt, hibiscus and essential oils.



It is also paramount to reiterate that everyone’s hair and scalp are not similar. What works for you might not necessarily work for your friend. That is why it is important to give the necessary attention to your hair and its reactions to the styling products, and hair care routines you utilize.  Basically, just do what suits you best. 

Lastly, if you notice the recurring nature of a particular infection or issue on your hair, say a massive hair loss, and you have tried all possible means, including different hair products, your last resort could be to seek professional consultation from a dermatologist to see what exactly the issue is.  

After a proper check-up has been conducted, the problem could be traced to several factors. Adequate prescriptions and advice would then be given. Most recurring hair issues are traced to hereditary and there exists a wide range of treatment alternatives which includes topical medications, vitamin supplementation, or even oral medications to combat hereditary related issues.