<meta charset="utf-8"><span>Feb.19.2016 Friday Vibes</span><br><span>Sooooooooo fast forward to mid 2015.</span><br><span>I was a bit sad because my hair was not growing back as fast as I wanted it to,I was rocking a T.W.A which stands for Teeny Wheeny Afro But I was not happy.I felt like the Hair Gods had forsaken me because of using harsh chemicals on my hair then one day I was chatting with a hair stylist and she told me to try using a hair supplement called @hairfinity .She sang huge praises about it so I figured I should try it out.</span><br><span>I went on www.hairfinity.com and bought one bottle of the supplement which i religiously took for one month.9 months later I am still taking the same hair supplement and I am very impressed with the results (to be continued) ….</span><br><span>XO AM</span>